EE UU afronta cinco millones de ejecuciones hipotecarias en los próximos meses


Gran Maestre de la Logia Burbujista
28 Feb 2009
tras de tí platano en mano ladrón
Un informe de Standard & Poor's asegura que es inevitable.- Representan las ventas de todo el sector en un año
EL PAÍS - Madrid - 16/02/2010

El sector inmobiliario en EE UU, sumido aún en las consecuencias de la burbuja y crisis de las subprime, afronta un nuevo problema que ha tratado de evitar: la ejecución hipotecaria o embargo de cinco millones de viviendas, según un informe de John Burns Real Estate Consulting y los servicios financieros de Standard & Poor's. El informe califica estas ejecuciones, con efectos diversos para el sector, de "inevitables".

La burbuja inmobiliaria que vivió durante años la economía estadounidense llevó a muchos ahorradores e inversores a comprar casas como forma de inversión. Cuando el mercado quebró, su inversión quedó atrapada y su capacidad para pagar múltiples hipotecas anulada. A pesar de la renegociación de cientos de miles de préstamos, la situación no ha mejorado y los bancos en general se han mostrado reticentes a suavizar las condiciones.

En la actualidad, siempre según estos últimos datos, hay un total 7,7 millones de préstamos hipotecarios que se encuentran en algún tipo de impago, definitivo o no. La crisis se centra sobre todo en Arizona, California, Florida y Nevada. La ejecución de estos cinco millones hipotecas es equivalente a las ventas del sector en todo un año en EE UU, a las de 27 meses en Orlando, 24 en Miami y 18 en Las Vegas, según informa The Wall Street Journal.

Las consecuencias son tremendas para el sector. Por un lado, acaba con los esfuerzos por reducir el stock de viviendas en EE UU. Por otro, tal y como señala el economista Barry Ritholtz en su blog, esta situación permite rebajar los precios en el sector por encima del 10% previsto por los especialistas, y aumenta las ventas.

El sector se ve además perjudicado por el final paulatino de las ayudas del Gobierno estadounidense a la compra de viviendas. La desgravación por la vivienda -de hasta 8.000 dólares para los que compren por primera vez- finaliza en abril. El sector no vive buenos momentos.

EE UU afronta cinco millones de ejecuciones hipotecarias en los próximos meses · ELPAÍ
Para qué volumen de población y ratio de zulos-insipiduo? Lo extrapolamos a hispañistán, a ver lo que mola?
Se va a juntar la segunda ola de impagos hipotecarios con la crisis de la deuda pública, y el segundo muerto en el armario que eran las tarjetas de crédito puede aparecer para dar el empujoncito final....
y ademas:
Los prestamos a estudiantes,student loans

60% of Student Loans Are in Default or Behind

The $555,000 Student-Loan Burden -

The $555,000 Student-Loan Burden

As Default Rates on Borrowing for Higher Education Rise, Some Borrowers See No Way Out; 'This Is Just Outrageous Now

When Michelle Bisutti, a 41-year-old family practitioner in Columbus, Ohio, finished medical school in 2003, her student-loan debt amounted to roughly $250,000. Since then, it has ballooned to $555,000.

It is the result of her deferring loan payments while she completed her residency, default charges and relentlessly compounding interest rates. Among the charges: a single $53,870 fee for when her loan was turned over to a collection agency.

"Maybe half of it was my fault because I didn't look at the fine print," Dr. Bisutti says. "But this is just outrageous now."

Andrew Spear for The Wall Street Journal
Michelle Bisutti borrowed $250,000 to pay for medical school. The debt has since ballooned to $555,000.

To be sure, Dr. Bisutti's case is extreme, and lenders say student-loan terms are clear and that they try to work with borrowers who get in trouble.

But as tuitions rise, many people are borrowing heavily to pay their bills. Some no doubt view it as "good debt," because an education can lead to a higher salary. But in practice, student loans are one of the most toxic debts, requiring extreme consumer caution and, as Dr. Bisutti learned, responsibility.

Unlike other kinds of debt, student loans can be particularly hard to wriggle out of. Homeowners who can't make their mortgage payments can hand over the keys to their house to their lender. Credit-card and even gambling debts can be discharged in bankruptcy. But ditching a student loan is virtually impossible, especially once a collection agency gets involved. Although lenders may trim payments, getting fees or principals waived seldom happens.

Yet many former students are trying. There is an estimated $730 billion in outstanding federal and private student-loan debt, says Mark Kantrowitz of, a Web site that tracks financial-aid issues—and only 40% of that debt is actively being repaid. The rest is in default, or in deferment, which means that payments and interest are halted, or in "forbearance," which means payments are halted while interest accrues.

Although Dr. Bisutti's debt load is unusual, her experience having problems repaying isn't. Emmanuel Tellez's mother is a laid-off factory worker, and $120 from her $300 unemployment checks is garnished to pay the federal PLUS student loan she took out for her son.

By the time Mr. Tellez graduated in 2008, he had $50,000 of his own debt in loans issued by SLM Corp., known as Sallie Mae, the largest private student lender. In December, he was laid off from his $29,000-a-year job in Boston and defaulted. Mr. Tellez says that when he signed up, the loan wasn't explained to him well, though he concedes he missed the fine print.

Loan terms, including interest rates, are disclosed "multiple times and in multiple ways," says Martha Holler, a spokeswoman for Sallie Mae, who says the company can't comment on individual accounts. Repayment tools and account information are accessible on Sallie Mae's Web site as well, she says.

Many borrowers say they are experiencing difficulties working out repayment and modification terms on their loans. Ms. Holler says that Sallie Mae works with borrowers individually to revamp loans. Although the U.S. Department of Education has expanded programs like income-based repayment, which effectively caps repayments for some borrowers, others might not qualify.

Heather Ehmke of Oakland, Calif., renegotiated the terms of her subprime mortgage after her home was foreclosed. But even after filing for bankruptcy, she says she couldn't get Sallie Mae, one of her lenders, to adjust the terms on her student loan. After 14 years with patches of deferment and forbearance, the loan has increased from $28,000 to more than $90,000. Her monthly payments jumped from $230 to $816. Last month, her petition for undue hardship on the loans was dismissed.

Sallie Mae supports reforms that would allow student loans to be dischargeable in bankruptcy for those who have made a good-faith effort to repay them, says Ms. Holler.

Dr. Bisutti says she loves her work, but regrets taking out so many student loans. She admits that she made mistakes in missing payments, deferring her loans and not being completely thorough with some of the paperwork, but was surprised at how quickly the debt spiraled.

She says she knew when she started medical school in 1999 that she would have to borrow heavily. But she reasoned that her future income as a doctor would make paying off the loans easy. While in school, her loans racked up interest with variable rates ranging from 3% to 11%.

She maxed out on federal loans, borrowing $152,000 over four years, and sought private loans from Sallie Mae to help make up the difference. She also took out two loans from Wells Fargo & Co. for $20,000 each. Each had a $2,000 origination fee. The total amount she borrowed at the time: $250,000.

In 2005, the bill for the Wells Fargo loans came due. Representatives from the bank called her father, Michael Bisutti, every day for two months demanding payment. Mr. Bisutti, who had co-signed on the loans, finally decided to cover the $550 monthly payments for a year.

Wells Fargo says it will stop calling consumers if they request it, says senior vice president Glen Herrick, who adds that the bank no longer imposes origination fees on its private loans.

Sallie Mae, meanwhile, called Mr. Bisutti's neighbor. The neighbor told Mr. Bisutti about the call. "Now they know [my dad's] daughter the doctor defaulted on her loans," Dr. Bisutti says.

Ms. Holler, the Sallie Mae spokeswoman, says that the company may contact a neighbor to verify an individual's address. But in those cases, she says, the details of the debt obligation aren't discussed.

Dr. Bisutti declined to authorize Sallie Mae to comment specifically on her case. "The overwhelming majority of medical-school graduates successfully repay their student loans," Ms. Holler says.

After completing her fellowship in 2007, Dr. Bisutti juggled other debts, including her credit-card balance, and was having trouble making her $1,000-a-month student-loan payments. That year, she defaulted on both her federal and private loans. That is when the "collection cost" fee of $53,870 was added on to her private loan.

Meanwhile, the variable interest rates continue to compound on her balance and fees. She recently applied for income-based repayment, but she still isn't sure if she will qualify. She makes $550-a-month payments to Wells Fargo for the two loans she hasn't defaulted on. By the time she is done, she will have paid the bank $128,000—over three times the $36,000 she received.

She recently entered a rehabilitation agreement on her defaulted federal loans, which now carry an additional $31,942 collection cost. She makes monthly payments on those loans—now $209,399—for $990 a month, with only $100 of it going toward her original balance. The entire balance of her federal loans will be paid off in 351 months. Dr. Bisutti will be 70 years old.

The debt load keeps her up at night. Her damaged credit has prevented her from buying a home or a new car. She says she and her boyfriend of three years have put off marriage and having children because of the debt.

Dr. Bisutti told her 17-year-old niece the story of her debt as a cautionary tale "so the next generation of kids who want to get a higher education knows what they're getting into," she says. "I will likely have to deal with this debt for the rest of my life."

Write to Mary Pilon at
De verdad que no lo entiendo, un helicóptero soltando billetes a trochemoche y aún así no pueden pagar. Diría que son unos vagos que ni quieren agacharse a recoger el dinero! ¿así piensan levantar el país?:no:
jorobar es que dan ganas de irse a dormir y no levantarse mañana, total si es que el fin del mundo esta a punto de llegar.
Bueno, los americanos en esto de las ejecuciones ya tienen mucha experiencia
Juas juas juas ¿Asín toavía no hay gueim over? :rolleye: ¿Que lo mejó aún está por llegar?

¿Y cómo se van a enterar todos los pepitorros de tocholandia empufados a más de 20 años, que están bien dolidos? ¿Y cómo podemos seguir salvando ahorristas y prepepitorros que no es momento pa atarse a tochos ni a bankitos?

¿Por la tele? ¿Por la prensa? ¿O por

Video de Sarah Silverman para su novio Jimmy Kimmel informándole en su careto
en hora de máxima audiencia que está f_llando con un tal Matt. A buenas horas... :rolleye:
<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allow******access" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allow******access="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>​
Última edición:
Goofys también se apunta a lo que anuncia el Standard de Pobres:

About 4 million U.S. homeowners are 90 days or more delinquent on their loans or in foreclosure proceedings, Moody's says.
16/02/10 Los Angeles Times
By Jim Puzzanghera and Don Lee

Trial modifications and other delays have kept many of those mortgages out of foreclosure, but by the end of this year, 2.4 million borrowers are expected to lose their homes, said Celia Chen, a housing economist at

That would be up from 2.1 million foreclosures and short sales last year and five times the annual numbers earlier in the decade.

It's unclear when those distressed properties would hit the market, but their large numbers are likely to push home prices back down this year, to a bottom in the fourth quarter, Chen said.

And that would make things worse for the 25% of homeowners who already owe more on their mortgages than their houses are worth.

Ánimo pepitorros, no os queda mili ni ná. :rolleye: